Thursday, 31 October 2013

Empties #4

Out with the old, in with the new?

Hi ladies! I never thought that in a few months' time I'd be writing my fourth empties post! If you want to see how many products you go through a month or two, make a special bin or box and save the bottles. You will be surprised. If you'd like to check out my previous empties posts, click here, here and here or continue reading.
Pozdrav devojke! Nisam mislila da ću za par meseci pisati svoj četvrti post o potrošenim proizvodima! Ako želite da vidite koliko proizvoda potrošite tokom mesec-dva, napravite specijalnu kanticu ili kutiju i čuvajte bočice. Iznenadićete se. Ako želite da pogledate moje prethodne postove o potrošenim proizvodima, kliknite ovde, ovde i ovde ili nastavite da čitate.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Micellar Waters-Ziaja vs. Eucerin

Eucerin vs. Ziaja

It took me a while to start using products of this type, but I realized their value very quickly. At first I just
 thought that a micellar water is another product that costs a lot and does the same job like all other cleansing products do.
Oh boy, was I wrong.
Trebalo mi je malo više vremena da počnem da koristim proizvode ovog tipa, ali sam se vrlo brzo uverila u njihovu vrednost. Isprva sam mislila da je micelarna voda još jedan skup proizvod koji radi isti posao kao i ostali skidači šminke.
Ala sam se prevarila.

Monday, 28 October 2013

NYX Lipsticks

N Is For NYX!

Today I want to talk about NYX. Ever since the NYX brand came to Serbia, there's been chaos. Everyone wants to have it and even though I'm not a trend follower, I decided to try some of their products and join the crowd of NYX-lovers :)
Danas želim da vam pričam o NYX-u. Od kako je NYX stigao u Srbiju, nastao je haos. Svi žele da imaju NYX proizvode i iako ne pratim trendove, i ja sam odlučila da probam neke od njihovih proizvoda i priključim se ekipi ljubitelja NYX-a :)

Friday, 25 October 2013

Fennel Body Yoghurts

Buy 1, Get 1 Free?

Hi ladies! Today's post is about two very interesting products. Ever heard of a body yoghurt? Yeah, it was a surprise for me too!
Ćao devojke! Današnji post je o dva vrlo zanimljiva proizvoda. Da li ste ikada čule za body jogurt odnosno jogurt za telo? Ja sam se baš iznenadila!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

New In September/October

Push The Brake

A while ago a few people told me that I was a shopaholic. And for a moment there I actually believed them. But then September and October happened and I realized that those people haven't got a clue about who I am.
Pre nekog vremena mi je par ljudi reklo da sam šopingholičarka. I na trenutak sam im poverovala. Ali onda se dogodio septembar, pa oktobar  i ja sam shvatila da ti ljudi zapravo nemaju pojma ko i šta sam ja.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Themed Manicures on

Gold and Green

Fridays are usually when a themed manicure begins on forum. It lasts until next Friday when a new theme is chosen. Even though I couldn't do this manicure on Friday, I decided to participate. Here's my striped manicure!
Petkom počinje tematski zadatak na forumu. Traje do sledećeg petka kada se bira nova tema. Iako nisam mogla da uradim manikir tačno za petak, odlučila sam da ipak učestvujem. Evo moj prugasti manikir!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Matching Manicures-Polka Dots

Let it snow?

Hi everyone! Sunday is a day for matching manicures with my fellow bloggers. This time we had a poll and polka dots won.
Pozdrav svima! Nedelja je dan za usklađene manikire (Matching manicures) sa mojim koleginicama blogerkama. Ovaj put smo imale anketu i tačkice su pobedile.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

China Glaze-Below Deck

Purple For Fall

Today's manicure is in an autumn mood. I usually wear this nail polish in autumn and sometimes in winter. This is China Glaze-Below Deck from their Anchors Away Spring Collection in 2011 and it was extremely popular at the time.
Današnji manikir je u jesenjem raspoloženju. Ovaj lak obično nosim tokom jeseni i ponekad zimi. Lak je China Glaze-Below Deck iz njihove Anchors Awaz polećne kolekcije 2011-te i bio je veoma popularan u to vreme.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Tutorial: Quick and Easy Brown Eye Make up

Don't know how? EASY!

Have you ever looked at a beautiful photo of eye makeup and thought "I wish I could do this"? If I told you it's easy would you believe me? Well, now you can learn how. Here is a tutorial (or maybe a photorial :D) of an easy eye make up look that every one of you can do!
Da li ste ikada gledali lepu sliku našminkanih očiju i pomislili "Kad bih ja ovo umela"? Kada bih vam rekla da je lako, da li biste mi poverovali? E pa, sad možete da naučite kako. Evo jedan mini tutorial (ili možda fotorijal :D) kako da se lako našminkate i koji svaka od vas može da uradi!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Today I want to show you my multi purpose Holy Grail product. This cream has helped me with many skin problems, so I think it deserves a separate post.
Danas želim da vam predstavim jedan višenamenski Holy Grail (Sveti Gral) proizvod. Ova krema mi je rešila mnoge probleme na koži i mislim da zaslužuje zaseban članak.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Matching Manicures-Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink for October

Hi ladies! I wasn't planning on doing a matching manicure with other bloggers, I'm sick, I feel awful and I was planning on painting my nails dark and depressing to go with my mood. But, a click here and a click there, and I ended up with pink nails. I have to say, my mood improved! :)
Ćao devojke! Nisam planirala da radim matching manicure sa ostalim blogerkama, bolesna sam, osećam se užasno i jedino što mi je bilo u planu je da nalakiram nokte nekom tamnom bojom da mi se slaže uz raspoloženje. Aliiii, klik ovamo, klik onamo i završila sam sa roze noktima. Moram da priznam da mi se i raspoloženje popravilo! :)

Thursday, 10 October 2013

AURA V.I.P. Nail Polish-905 Purple Revolution

Purple Revolution. Simple as that!

Hello my ladies! I'm finally getting into this whole cold, rainy, Autumn mood, so here is today's manicure...
Pozdrav drage moje devojke! Napokon počinjem da se privikavam na ovo hladno, kišovito, jesenje vreme, pa evo i današnji manikir u tom raspoloženju... 

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Vacation summary post

When you find peace...

Hello my dearest readers! I've missed you! It took me a while to get my things, feelings and photos sorted after I got back from Greece, but here I am. This is a summary post of my vacation, the make up looks I've worn and then some.
Ćao dragi moji čitaoci! Nedostajali ste mi! Bilo mi je potrebno malo vremena da sredim stvari, osećanja i fotografije nakon što sam se vratila iz Grčke, no evo me. Ovo je kratak pregled sa mog letovanja, šminka koju sam nosila i još ponešto.