I'm back! After searching, learning, feeling stupid for hours at a time, after freaking out and changing the plan a few (million) times, after giving up and walking away a few hundred times I AM BACK at the same place and I've changed absolutely nothing (except the blog look). You all know that google deleted all my profiles and the blog, but the good thing is that I did a backup and everything is here again.
Vratila sam se! Nakon traganja, učenja, sati i sati osećaja da sam glupa, nakon šizenja i menjanja planova nekoliko (miliona) puta, nakon odustajanja nekoliko stotina puta VRATILA SAM SE na isto mesto i apsolutno ništa nisam promenila (sem izgleda bloga). Svi već znate da mi je gugl obrisao sve profile, uključujući i blog, no pozitivna strana je da sam imala sve sačuvano i sve sam ponovo vratila.