Do It With Style-City Style!
Everyone finds that perfect product at some point in their life. If you're like me, once you find it, you never want to change it. Once I found a mascara that suits me in every possible way I refused to try, buy or use any other mascara, no matter how good, cheap, long-lasting or curling it is. No way!
I've been using Oriflame Wonder Lash mascara for a while and then POOF-I come home with this one. That's Kristabell for you! :) Lovely girls that work there, laughing, talking and habits change.
Svako kad-tad pronađe onaj savršen proizvod u životu. Ako ste kao ja, jednom kada ga nađete, nećete više želeti da ga menjate. Jednom kada sam pronašla savršenu maskaru koja mi odgovara, odbila sam da probam, kupim ili koristim bilo koju drugu, bila ona bolja, jeftinija, dugotrajnija ili bolje uvijala trepavice. Nema šanse!
Već duže vreme sam koristila Oriflame-ovu Wonder Lash maskaru i onda PUF-dođem kući sa ovom. Eto vam Kristabell parfimerija! :) Divne radnice, smejanje, priča i navike se menjaju.