Saturday, 22 February 2014

Color Club-Angel Kiss

I don't know why, but I haven't really payed attention to holographic nail polishes, so there's no surprise that this is my first. Oh and boy what a first it is! Today I want to present you Color Club-Angel Kiss from the Halo Hues collection of 2012.
Ne znam zašto, ali nikada nisam posebno obraćala pažnju na holo lakove, pa i nije iznenađujuće što mi je ovo prvi takav lakić. I to kakav prvenac! Danas želim da vam predstavim Color Club-Angel Kiss lak iz Halo Hues kolekcije 2012. godine.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

EOS Hand Lotion

If you thought EOS (Evolution Of Smooth) lip balms were cute, you should get a hold of one of these! I was checking out SaSa drugstores in Hong Kong when I noticed these cute hand lotions. They instantly reminded me of the old toy-pet Tamagotchi. Remember those? Oh, my childhood was so fun... :)
Ako ste mislili da su EOS (Evolution Of Smooth) balzami za usne slatki, morate da nabavite ovo! Razgledala sam SaSa parfimerije u Hong Kongu kada sam primetila ove preslatke losione za ruke. Istog momenta su me podsetili na stare tamagoči ljubimce-igračke. Sećate li se njih? Uh što sam imala zabavno detinjstvo... :)

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

OPI-Up Front & Personal

This is one of the rare nail polish bottles that I bought in China, rather than Hong Kong, where everything is cheaper and more important-available.
Ovo je jedan od retkih lakova koje sam kupila baš u Kini, s obzirom da je sve jeftinije u Hong Kongu, a i dostupnije.

Monday, 10 February 2014

China Glaze-Awakening


One of my most recent purchases is this lovely China Glaze nail polish called Awakening. Originally it was a part of the 2005 Urban Chic collection and I am sooo happy to have found it, because it just looks magical to me.
Jedan od najskorije kupljenih lakova je ovaj predivan China Glaze lak, pod nazivom Awakening. Originalno je iz Urban Chic kolekcije iz 2005-te godine i mnogo sam srećna što sam ga našla, jer mi deluje baš magično.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Golden Rose City Style Mascara

Do It With Style-City Style!

Everyone finds that perfect product at some point in their life. If you're like me, once you find it, you never want to change it. Once I found a mascara that suits me in every possible way I refused to try, buy or use any other mascara, no matter how good, cheap, long-lasting or curling it is. No way!
I've been using Oriflame Wonder Lash mascara for a while and then POOF-I come home with this one. That's Kristabell for you! :) Lovely girls that work there, laughing, talking and habits change.
Svako kad-tad pronađe onaj savršen proizvod u životu. Ako ste kao ja, jednom kada ga nađete, nećete više želeti da ga menjate. Jednom kada sam pronašla savršenu maskaru koja mi odgovara, odbila sam da probam, kupim ili koristim bilo koju drugu, bila ona bolja, jeftinija, dugotrajnija ili bolje uvijala trepavice. Nema šanse!
Već duže vreme sam koristila Oriflame-ovu Wonder Lash maskaru i onda PUF-dođem kući sa ovom. Eto vam Kristabell parfimerija! :) Divne radnice, smejanje, priča i navike se menjaju.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Matching Manicures-Waterfall

Lilly Waterfalls

Hello again! Today's post is one that I haven't done in quite a while. The last time I participated in the Matching Manicures Sunday post was such a long time ago and you can check those posts here and here. There's always an excuse for not participating and I will spare you of those today... They are just excuses.
Ćao! Evo mene ponovo. Današnji post je jedan koji nisam pisala duže vreme. Poslednji put kada sam učestvovala u Matching Manicures nedelji (usklađeni manikiri blogerki) je bio baš davno i te postove možete pogledati ovde i ovde. Uvek postoji neki izgovor za neučestvovanje, a ja ću vas poštedeti toga danas... To su samo izgovori.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Don Juan Nail Stars LK180

Christmas Revisited

Hello! This is a color I wore for Christmas but I didn't like the pictures for some reason and I decided not to publish this post. Today I gave them a second look and thought "They're not so bad." Here it is-Don Juan Nail Stars nail polish (LK180).
Ćao! Ovo je lak koji sam nosila za Božić ali mi se iz nekog razloga nisu svidele fotke, pa sam odlučila da ne objavim post. Danas sam rešila da ih pregledam ponovo i pomislila "Pa i nisu tako loše". Predstavljam vam Don Juan Nail Stars lak za nokte (LK180).