Evolution of Smooth
I've always wondered WHY people are making such a fuss about these colorful little balls. I even made up my mind to never buy them because they are such a hit. Then I changed my mind and almost bought one before coming to China. A few days before my trip, I changed my mind again and decided not to waste money before the trip to China and that was it. Or at least I thought it was, until I went to Hong Kong the first time. Curiosity won over. :D
Dugo sam se pitala ZAŠTO ljudi dižu toliku frku oko ovih šarenih loptica. Čak sam bila odlučila da ih ne kupim baš zato što su toliki hit. Onda sam se predomislila i umalo kupila jedan pre dolaska u Kinu. Par dana pre puta u Kinu, opet sam se predomislila i rešila da ne bacam novac i to je bilo to, do mog prvog odlaska u Hong Kong. Znatiželja je pobedila.:D