Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Pupa Like A Doll Blush-Pastel Pink 101

I really wanted to try a light pink blush. I had this idea that it would look refreshing on my face, so naturally I jumped and bought a shade once I saw them in Sa Sa in Hong Kong.
Jako sam želela da probam jedno svetlo roze rumenilo. Imala sam ideju da će to dati neki svež izgled mom licu, pa sam naravno, skočila i kupila ovu nijansu čim sam ugledala ova rumenila us Sasi u Hong Kongu.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

OPI-Next Stop...The Bikini Zone (Copacababies)

The third nail polish that I have from the Spring/Summer Brazil Collection 2014 is Next Stop... The Bikini Zone (NL A59).
Treći lak koji imam iz OPI Brazil kolekcije za proleće/leto 2014. je Next Stop...The Bikini Zone (NL A59).

Thursday, 24 July 2014

EoS Lip Balms

Evolution of Smooth

I've always wondered WHY people are making such a fuss about these colorful little balls. I even made up my mind to never buy them because they are such a hit. Then I changed my mind and almost bought one before coming to China. A few days before my trip, I changed my mind again and decided not to waste money before the trip to China and that was it. Or at least I thought it was, until I went to Hong Kong the first time. Curiosity won over. :D
Dugo sam se pitala ZAŠTO ljudi dižu toliku frku oko ovih šarenih loptica. Čak sam bila odlučila da ih ne kupim baš zato što su toliki hit. Onda sam se predomislila i umalo kupila jedan pre dolaska u Kinu. Par dana pre puta u Kinu, opet sam se predomislila i rešila da ne bacam novac i to je bilo to, do mog prvog odlaska u Hong Kong. Znatiželja je pobedila.:D

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Quarterly Favorites #2

Another three months have passed and there are many products that made it all the way to the top of my favorites list. Here is the list of my favorite and most used products in the second quarter of 2014.
Još tri meseca su prošla i mnogo proizvoda se popelo do vrha moje liste omiljenih proizvoda. Evo je ta lista meni omiljenih i najčešće korištenih proizvoda u drugom kvartalu 2014. godine.