Sunday funday
Sunday is a cool day. Sometimes it's lazy, sometimes we have a ton of stuff to do, but it's always remembered by Mum's lunch and those long afternoons, not quite peaceful because you have that upcoming Monday feeling. Still, I get lazy in the afternoons, while pampering myself with either a long bath, a pedicure, music, or a book, or all of the above. Today, not so much. It's still relaxing but I'm also taking out the trash :)
Nedelja je kul dan. Ponekad je lenja, nekad imamo gomilu stvari za obaviti, ali je uvek upamtim po maminom ručku i onim dugim popodnevima, koja baš i nisu spokojna jer imamo onaj osećaj nadolazećeg ponedeljka. Ipak, budem pomalo lenja tokom popodneva, dok udovoljavam sebi sa dužom kupkom, pedikirom, muzikom ili knjigom, ili svim gorenavedenim. Danas, ne toliko. I dalje je opuštajuće, ali ja danas izbacujem smeće :)
At first I had a small box because I couldn't fill it up. It stood in a corner for ages. This time, I had to get a bigger box and it filled up in a jiffy!
U početku sam imala malu kutiju jer nisam mogla da je napunim. Stajala je u čošku daaaanima. Ovaj put sam morala da uzmem veću kutiju i napunila sam je za tren!
First come the shower gels, as it was quite hot this summer and I took showers many times a day. I don't expect much from shower gels. A nice smell and soft skin is all I need. All of these gave me that.
I got this Balea Sweet Wonderland Shower Gel from Bebichica (check out her blog here). She didn't like it, but it turned out that it was good for me. :) It smells like chocolate, well it reminds me of hot chocolate. I will definitely buy it, if I find it again. In my opinion, this shower gel is perfect for winter time.
Now this Malizia White Musk Shower Gel wasn't my pick, but my Mums. What a shocker! She doesn't even like shower gels and she actually used this one. I didn't like the smell at first, but later I got more fond of it. She probably will buy it again. :)
Now this Malizia White Musk Shower Gel wasn't my pick, but my Mums. What a shocker! She doesn't even like shower gels and she actually used this one. I didn't like the smell at first, but later I got more fond of it. She probably will buy it again. :)
Now the gem of the five shower gels-Balea Frangipani Shower Gel with oil pearls. Ahhh the sweet but fresh scent, the oily pearls that leave the skin hydrated, ahh the texture of it! I've had this shower gel for months, literally 5 months or more. That's what I do when I like something-I save it up. It's not very logical and I could've bought more for future use, but no, I used it once a month so it would last longer. :) Definitely worth buying!
I literally wanted to eat this Balea Shower Gel with fig and chocolate every time I used it! Too bad it's a limited edition...
And last but not least, Lavander and Camomile Shower Gel from Superdrug. I got this one when my aunt came to visit us and I was a bit skeptical about the scent for summer, but it was actually very soothing during those hot days.
Prvi na listi su gelovi za tuširanje, s obzirom da je ovo leto bilo prilično toplo i ja sam se tuširala po nekoliko puta na dan. Ne tražim mnogo od gelova za tuširanje. Fin miris i meka koža nakon upotrebe je sve što mi treba. Od svih ovih sam dobila očekivano.
Dobila sam ovaj Balea Sweet Wonderland gel za tuširanje od Bebičice (pogledajte njen blog ovde). Njoj se nije baš dopao, no ispalo je da je meni baš dobar. :) Miriše na čokoladu, zapravo podseća me na toplu čokoladu. Definitivno ću ga ponovo kupiti ako ga nađem. Po mom mišljenju, ovaj gel je savršen za zimu.
E ovaj Malizia gel za tuširanje sa mirisom mošusa nije bio moj odabir već mamin. Kakvo iznenađenje! Ona čak ni ne voli gelove za tuširanje a ovaj je uglavnom ona trošila. Meni se u početku nije dopao miris, no posle sam ga zavolela. Ona će ga verovatno ponovo kupiti. :)
E sada dragulj među ovih pet gelova-Balea Frangipani gel za tuširanje sa uljanim perlicama. Ah taj slatkasto osvežavajuć miris, uljane perlice koje kežu ostave mekom, ah i tekstura gela! Ovaj gel imam mesecima, bukvalno pet meseci ili više. To ja radim kada mi se neki proizvod dopadne-čuvam ga. Nema baš puno logike u tome jer bih mogla da kupim još, ali ne, ja sam ga koristila jednom mesečno da bi trajao što duže. :) Definitivno ga vredi kupiti!
Ovaj Balea gel za tuširanje sa smokvom i čokoladom sam bukvalno želela da pojedem pri svakom korišćenju! Šteta što je limitirano izdanje...
I poslednji ali ne i najgori, Superdrug-ov gel za tuširanje sa lavandom i kamilicom. Dobila sam ga kada mi je tetka bila u poseti i bila sam pomalo skeptična prema mirisu pošto je leto, međutim on je zapravo jako umirujuć pogotovo tokom vrelih dana.
You've seen this Russian shampoo in July's new it post here, now I didn't really feel like writing a post about it, so I'll say a few words now. At first my hair fell out a lot, so naturally I stopped using it and gave it a hate stare. Then I read online that that's the way these shampoos work. First your hair starts falling out but only to give the new hair a shot. And that's what happened. Before the amount of fallen hair could barely fit in my palm and now it's the size of a cherry tomato, and that's small for me! It foams a lot and a small amount is needed. My Mum bought it at the pharmacy.
Herbal Essences Ignite My Colour was okay but I wouldn't buy it again. The smell is nice floral and it has Moroccan rose extract in it.
This Afrodita shampoo with garlic works miracles for our dear Magdalena (check out her blog here), but I wasn't very impressed with it. Maybe I need to use it longer or something. Still, I would rather buy Afrodita nettle shampoo. Who knows, maybe I'll give this one a try again sometime.
This Amrut Herbal Hair Care Oil is an amazing product. I bought it at the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan or Hindu temple in London. It was very cheap and I bought it because it's supposed to help hair growth and make it stronger. And it did but then I realized that I can't buy it in Serbia and so I kept it safe and used it rarely. If you're searching for a good hair oil, buy the Brahmi Amla oil, it works the same and the price is approx 2 euros.
The last tube is just a conditioner that came with the hair color my aunt used, so I finished it up. It's from Superdrug.
Videli ste ovaj ruski šampon u postu o novitetima jula meseca ovde, ali mi se baš nije pisao post o njemu, pa ću sada napisati par reči. U početku mi je kosa više opadala, pa sam naravno prestala da ga koristim i samo ga ljutito gledala. Onda sam na netu pročitala da tako šamponi ovog tipa deluju. Prvo vam kosa opada, ali samo da bi dozvolila novoj kosi da raste. I to se i desilo. Pre mi količina opale kose nije stala ni na dlan, a sada je veličine čeri paradajza, a to je za mene baš malo! Šampon dosta peni i potrebno je naneti malu količinu. Njega je moja mama kupila u apoteci.
Herbal Essences Ignite My Colour šampon za farbanu kosu mi je bio okej, ali ništa posebno i ne bih ga kupila ponovo. Miris je fin cvetni, a šampon u sebi ima i ekstrakt marokanske ruže.
Afroditin šampon za kosu od belog luka čini čuda našoj dragoj Magdaleni (pogledajte njen blog ovde), no mene i nije oduševio. Možda bi trebala duže da ga koristim. Uglavnom, mislim da ću pre ponovo kupiti Afroditin šampon od koprive. Ko zna, možda i ovom dam drugu šansu jednog dana.
Ovo Amrut biljno ulje za negu kose je fantastičan proizvod. Kupila sam ga u BAPS Shri Swaminarayan odnosno hindu hramu u Londonu. Bio je vrlo jeftin i kupila sam ga jer je navodno trebao da pripomogne rastu i jačanju kose. Zaista se to i desilo, a onda sam se ja dosetila da ovo ulje ne mogu da kupim u Srbiji, pa sam ga lepo spakovala i čuvala uz minimalnu upotrebu. Ako tražite dobro ulje za kosu, kupite Brahmi Amla ulje, deluje isto kao i ovo ulje a cena mu je 250 dinara.
Poslednja tubica je samo balzam za kosu koji je došao uz farbu za kosu koju je koristila moja tetka, uglavnom ja sam ga dokrajčila. Kupljen je u Superdrug drogeriji.
Other shower stuff:Avon's Simply Delicate Feminine wash-I won't buy it again just because of the whole animal testing issue,
then Imperial Leather Foamburst Citrus Foaming Gel- the review is here.
Eveline Slim Extreme 3D Peeling-Massage Anti-cellulite Shower Gel is a very good product and it even helps reduce cellulite BUT only if you use other products with it and most important-if you massage your body with it for at least a couple of months. I will definitely buy it again. You can get it in DM drugstores.
then Imperial Leather Foamburst Citrus Foaming Gel- the review is here.
Eveline Slim Extreme 3D Peeling-Massage Anti-cellulite Shower Gel is a very good product and it even helps reduce cellulite BUT only if you use other products with it and most important-if you massage your body with it for at least a couple of months. I will definitely buy it again. You can get it in DM drugstores.
I don't think that this Gillette Shaving Gel needs more explanations, all I can say is that I'm already using another one.
Ostale tuširalice:
Avon-ov Simply Delicate intimni gel-neću ga ponvo kupovati samo zbog cele priče o testiranju na životinjama, zatim
Imperial Leather Foamburst citrusni gel koji peni-recenzija je ovde.
Imperial Leather Foamburst citrusni gel koji peni-recenzija je ovde.
Eveline Slim Extreme 3D piling i masaž anti-celulit gel je veoma dobar proizvod i čak i pomaže u smanjenju celulita POD USLOVOM da ga koristite sa ostalim proizvodima i najvažnije da radite masazu tela barem dva meseca. Ja ću ga definitivno kupiti ponovo. Može da se nađe u DM drogerijama.
Mislim da za ovaj Gillette gel za brijanje ne treba da pišem detalje, sve što mogu da kažem je da već koristim novu bočicu.
Mislim da za ovaj Gillette gel za brijanje ne treba da pišem detalje, sve što mogu da kažem je da već koristim novu bočicu.
Genera Mint Mouthwash-one of those nice washes that aren't to minty. I like it, although my Dad used it more than anyone. :)
Autan Active Body Spray-all I can say is-Mosquitoes gone! :D
This Tresemme Glossing Spray with Argan Oil was my Mums but she cut her hair short and I decided that she doesn't need this anymore :) It's a good product for making the hair shiny and smooth. I use it on damp hair before drying.
Autan Active Body Spray-all I can say is-Mosquitoes gone! :D
This Tresemme Glossing Spray with Argan Oil was my Mums but she cut her hair short and I decided that she doesn't need this anymore :) It's a good product for making the hair shiny and smooth. I use it on damp hair before drying.
Genera vodica za ispiranje usta sa mentom-jedan od onih finih proizvoda koji nemaju previše mente u sebi. Meni se dopada, mada ga je moj tata koristio više od svih. :)
Autan Active sprej za telo-mogu samo da kažem-komaraca nema! :D
Ovaj Tresemme sprej za sjaj sa arganovim uljem je bio mamin, ali se ona ošišala na kratko i ja sam tada odlučila da njoj to više ne treba :) Ovo je dobar proizvod ako želite sjajnu i glatku kosu. Ja ga koristim tako što naprskam na vlažnu kosu pre sušenja.
Imperial Leather Silk Antiperspirant Deodorant-I just couldn't wait to finish it. I couldn't stand the smell.
I wrote a review about this Baš Baš body milk, you can read about it here.
Did I ever tell you how much I love finding cheap but good products? Last summer I found this Alba Sun Protection Lotion with SPF 50 in Tempo (a local supermarket). It was approx 3 euros and I loved it. It's not as thick as Nivea but it did the job, I didn't burn, it absorbs quickly, so I'm happy. Check out your local supermarkets-you might get surprised!
Imperial Leather Silk antiperspirant dezodorans-jedva sam dočekala da ga potrošim, Nisam mogla da podnesem miris.
Nedavno sam pisala recenziju o ovom Baš Baš mleku za telo, više možete da pročitate ovde.
Da li sam vam ikada pričala koliko volim pronalaženje jeftinih a dobrih proizvoda? Prošlog leta sam kupila ovaj Alba losion za sunčanje sa zaštitnim faktorom 50 u Tempu. Cena mu je bila oko 300 dinara i baš mi se dopao. Nije tako gust kao Nivea losion, ali je obavljao posao, ja nisam izgorela, i upija se brzo tako da sam ja zadovoljna. Bacite pogled po vašim supermarketima-možda se iznenadite!
Have you ever had a perfume you hated at the beginning but after a while began to love it? That's me and this Kate Moss 2007 perfume. When I got it, all I could talk about is how I don't like it and every time I'm really sad that it's gone. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to buy a sixth bottle. :)
Da li ste ikad imali parfem koji ste mrzeli u startu, samo da bi ga kasnije zavoleli? Ja jesam i u pitanju je Kate Moss parfem iz 2007. godine. Kad sam ga dobila, samo o njemu sam pričala naokolo i o tome koliko mi se ne sviđa, a posle svaki put žalim što je potrošen. Ah, izgleda da mi ne gine kupovina šeste bočice. :)
Nail polish removers!
The green one is just some remover my Mum buys at the local shop. It's supposed to be acetone free but my cuticles get a shock every time I use it.
Dahlia oily polish remover with a peachy scent. I can't get rid of the feeling that a few years back this polish remover was more oily. Was it? Help me out here. The lid has a cuticle creme inside, but it's not very good so I throw it away.
The green one is just some remover my Mum buys at the local shop. It's supposed to be acetone free but my cuticles get a shock every time I use it.
Dahlia oily polish remover with a peachy scent. I can't get rid of the feeling that a few years back this polish remover was more oily. Was it? Help me out here. The lid has a cuticle creme inside, but it's not very good so I throw it away.
My cousin brought this Superdrug Nail Polish Remover with acetone, so I used it when I had glitter on my nails. Otherwise I wouldn't buy it.
I finished another box of Moisturising Nail Polish Remover Pads from Boots. I love these. They smell lovely and they don't dry out my nails and cuticles.
If you're searching for Nail Polish Removing Pads in Serbia, you can buy these Ebelin ones in DM drugstores. Amazing scent, oily and nourishing, just don't lick your nails or fingers after using them. They taste awful. Don't ask... :)
Skidači laka za nokte!
Zeleni je neki poljski skidač koji moja mama kupuje u obližnjoj prodavnici. Piše da je bez acetona ali moje zanoktice dobiju blagi šok svaki put kada ga koristim.
Dahlia uljani skidač laka za nokte sa mirisom breskve. Ne mogu da se otarasim osećaja da su pre nekoliko godina ovi uljani skidači imali malo više ulja u sebi. Jesu li? Molim vas pomozite mi ovde. U poklopcu se nalazi krema za zanoktice, ali nije nešto dobra, pa je ja bacam.
Sestra je donela ovaj skidač laka sa acetonom iz Superdrug drogerije, pa sam i njega trošila za skidanje šljokica s noktiju. Inače ga ne bih kupila.
Završila sam još jednu kutijicu hidratantnih tufera za skidanje laka s noktiju iz Boots drogerije. Mirišu prepredivno i ne isušuju mi nokte i zanoktice.
Ako ste u potrazi za dobrim tuferima za skidanje laka za nokte u Srbiji, možete da kupite ove Ebelin tufere u DMu. Odličnog mirisa, uljani i negujući, samo nemojte (leba vam) da ližete prste ili nokte posle upotrebe. Užasnog je ukusa. Ne pitajte... :)
And last, this Essence Pure Skin Compact Powder. I have another one that I'm using right now. It mattifies your face and stays on the whole day. It's inexpensive and good. What more could you ask for?
Thank you for reading my blog, 'till next time!
I poslednja stvarčica, ovaj Essence Pure Skin puder u kamenu. Imam još jedan koji trenutno koristim. Ovaj puder mi baš lepo matira lice i stoji tako ceo dan. Jeftin je a dobar. Šta više da tražimo od njega?
Hvala vam što čitate moj blog, do sledećeg puta!
Hvala vam što čitate moj blog, do sledećeg puta!
Vrednice svasta si lepo trosila <3
ReplyDeleteJesaaaam :) Jos cekam da trosim onaj NYX-ic sto stoji kod tebe ;)
DeleteA i spomenula sam te :) Malo... Davno nisam <3
A sta cu.. Imala sam i malu pomoc :)
ReplyDeleteHuh dobro je. Nisam jedina koja cuva k'o hrcak :D
Hahaha umroh od smeha za ebelin tufere :D
ReplyDeleteHehehe a sta cu... :) Dileja sam.
DeleteSvaka cast!!! Ja uskoro pripremam moj prvi post ovog tipa, u toku je trosenje :D
ReplyDeleteSamo kuckaj, meni se prvobitno uopste nisu svidjali ovi postovi, cak ih i nisam citala nesto detaljno, ali sam ih zavolela :)
DeleteJa obožavam ovaj Dahlia skidač laka za nokte, on mi je nekako najbolji. Koristila sam onaj zeleni Lilly-jev, ali mi ima previše ulja, baš previše. Onda sam kupila neki (eto mu se ni imena ne sećam), od kog su mi se užasno sušili nokti, i u poslednje vreme su mi 4 nokta pukla i mislim da je zbog njega. Vratila sam se Dahlia skidaču (i to baš ovom sa breskvicom) i stvarno ga volim <3 Raspisah se :D
ReplyDeleteJao, ma odlicno sto si se raspisala, bas cu pogledati taj uljani lilijev. Stvarno sam ubedjena da su nekad bili maaalcice uljaniji ti skidaci i da su mi manje isusivali nokte i zanoktice.
DeleteJa se vama divim kako uspijete skupiti ovoliko stvari, jedino što ja stignem potrošiti je šampon i krema za ruke :D
ReplyDeleteEee, i ja se sebi cudim ovaj put! :) Nisam mislila da cu toliko potrositi :D
DeleteHoće meni neko da kaže kako miriše taj Afrodita šampon? :D
ReplyDeleteJao iskreno se ne secam, nije lose i mene nimalo nije podsecao na beli luk, to je jedino cega se secam. :)
DeleteI ja koristim isti Dahlia skidač i u zadnje vreme nisam nešto zadovoljna, a opet sam ga juče po navici kupila. Nego me čudi ovo za Avon, radila sam ranije kao Avon dama i baš su se shvalili da ne testiraju na životinjama. Mada, više ko zna?
ReplyDeleteA i to sto kazes. Vise niko ne moze biti siguran. Ja samo znam onoliko koliko sam procitala na netu. :) Evo danas sam uzela lilijev uljani pa cu da vidim jer vise uljan od dahlije ili ne... :)
DeleteI ja čuvam ono što mi se sviđa :D A baš nema logike.. Potrošiš i kupiš opet, ali tko bi nas shvatio.
ReplyDeletePuno si potrošila :D
Hahaha znaci ima nas! :) Stvarno nema logike ali ako nam tako prija, sta da se radi.
Deletesvaka cast na potrosenom, bas si bila vredna :)
ReplyDeleteHvala :) Slucajno se tako desilo. Ima perioda kad se trudim da potrosim pa ne bude ovoliko :D