Sunday, 7 September 2014

Nuxe Reve de Miel Hand and Nail Cream

I'm back with a few words about this amazing little treasure in a tube called Nuxe Reve de Miel. After a summer holiday with no days off, a long search for an apartment, a temporary relocation and a change of jobs, I've finally managed to grab some time (and internet) to write a review of this hand and nail cream.
Designed for dry and damaged skin, this cream was a perfect choice as I've let myself go and my hands have been suffering for a while.
Vratila sam se uz nekoliko reči o ovom malom fantastičnom blagu u tubici, koje se zove Nuxe Reve de Miel. Posle godišnjeg odmora bez slobodnih dana, duge potrage za stanom, privremenim preseljenjem i promene posla, napokon sam uspela da ugrabim malo vremena ( i interneta) da napišem recenziju ove kreme za ruke i nokte.
Namenjena suvoj i oštećenoj koži, ova krema je bila odličan izbor za mene, koja sam se u poslednje vreme blago zapustila i ruke su mi trpele neko vreme.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Makeup Gallery

This and That

I've been a bit lazy during the first half or the year. Well, not lazy overall, but lazy in the make up department. I've worked a lot, but didn't bother to leave a little time to do my make up and really enjoy my morning routine. This is the reason why I only have a few make up photos.
So, to cut the story short, here are three looks that I've created and recreated about a dozen times and only took these photos to prove it! :)
Bila sam pomalo lenja tokom prve polovine godine. Zapravo, nisam bila lenja generalno, već samo u delu sa šminkanjem. Puno sam radila, pa se nisam ni trudila da izdvojim malo vremena za šminku i moj jutarnji ritual. To je razlog zašto imam svega nekoliko fotografija šminke.
Pa, da skratim priču, evo look-ova koje sam kreirala i rekreirala nekoliko desetina puta, i napravila samo ove fotke kao dokaz! :)

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Sukin Certified Organic Rose Hip Oil

I am pretty much a black and white person. There is rarely a gray in my opinion, impression, day, plan, etc. I either want something or I don't. The same with cosmetic products. I either like something or I don't. This might be the first product that I've had a love-hate relationship with. And to top that, this relationship has been going on for almost a year!
Ja sam u suštini "crno-bela" osoba. Retko se desi da postoji siva u mom mišljenju, utisku, danu i planu. Ili nešto želim, ili ne želim. Isto važi i za kozmetiku. Ili mi se nešto dopada ili ne. Moguće je da je ovo prvi proizvod s kojim imam odnos ljubav-mržnja. I povrh svega, ovaj odnos traje skoro godinu dana!

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

P2 Pure Color Lipstick - La Croisette 104

Today I will write about P2 again. I've tried some of their products and each one was a revelation for me! I already wrote about their nail polish (here and here), so today I want to show you a P2 Pure Color lipstick. This shade is called La Croisette, number 104.
Danas vam ponovo pišem o P2. Probala sam neke njihove proizvode i svaki je za mene bio pravo otkriće! Već sam pisala o njihovim lakovima za nokte (ovde i ovde), pa danas želim da vam pokažem P2 Pure Color ruž za usne. Nijansa se zove La Croisette, a broj je 104.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Pupa Like A Doll Blush-Pastel Pink 101

I really wanted to try a light pink blush. I had this idea that it would look refreshing on my face, so naturally I jumped and bought a shade once I saw them in Sa Sa in Hong Kong.
Jako sam želela da probam jedno svetlo roze rumenilo. Imala sam ideju da će to dati neki svež izgled mom licu, pa sam naravno, skočila i kupila ovu nijansu čim sam ugledala ova rumenila us Sasi u Hong Kongu.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

OPI-Next Stop...The Bikini Zone (Copacababies)

The third nail polish that I have from the Spring/Summer Brazil Collection 2014 is Next Stop... The Bikini Zone (NL A59).
Treći lak koji imam iz OPI Brazil kolekcije za proleće/leto 2014. je Next Stop...The Bikini Zone (NL A59).

Thursday, 24 July 2014

EoS Lip Balms

Evolution of Smooth

I've always wondered WHY people are making such a fuss about these colorful little balls. I even made up my mind to never buy them because they are such a hit. Then I changed my mind and almost bought one before coming to China. A few days before my trip, I changed my mind again and decided not to waste money before the trip to China and that was it. Or at least I thought it was, until I went to Hong Kong the first time. Curiosity won over. :D
Dugo sam se pitala ZAŠTO ljudi dižu toliku frku oko ovih šarenih loptica. Čak sam bila odlučila da ih ne kupim baš zato što su toliki hit. Onda sam se predomislila i umalo kupila jedan pre dolaska u Kinu. Par dana pre puta u Kinu, opet sam se predomislila i rešila da ne bacam novac i to je bilo to, do mog prvog odlaska u Hong Kong. Znatiželja je pobedila.:D

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Quarterly Favorites #2

Another three months have passed and there are many products that made it all the way to the top of my favorites list. Here is the list of my favorite and most used products in the second quarter of 2014.
Još tri meseca su prošla i mnogo proizvoda se popelo do vrha moje liste omiljenih proizvoda. Evo je ta lista meni omiljenih i najčešće korištenih proizvoda u drugom kvartalu 2014. godine.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

OPI-Kiss Me I'm Brazilian (Copacababies)

Kiss Me!

What a beautiful color! It's like it was made for me...
Kakva divna boja! Kao da je pravljena za mene...

Saturday, 3 May 2014

New In April

In the beginning of April, I visited Hong Kong again and decided to buy all the things that I need there, because everything is more expensive in Mainland China. After Hong Kong, I didn't buy anything else in China, which was a great surprise. I like this new controlled me. :)
Početkom aprila sam ponovo posetila Hong Kong i odlučila da stvari koje mi trebaju pokupujem tamo jer je sve skuplje u Kini. Nakon Hong Konga nisam ništa kupila u Kini, što je veliko iznenađenje. Svidja mi se ova nova ja sa kontrolom :)

Friday, 2 May 2014

Quarterly Favorites

A little late, but I do need to post this partly because of you, my readers, but also for myself to see what I've used and to remember for next season. I've become very forgetful!
Sa malim zakašnjenjem, ali ipak moram da objavim ovaj post, delimično zbog vas, mojih čitalaca, ali i zbog sebe, da bih videla šta sam torišila i da bih to upamtila za sledeću sezonu. Postala sam jako zaboravna!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

OPI-AmazON... AmazOFF (Copacababies)

Copa, CopacaBABIES!

One of the new colors that instantly mesmerized me and made it to the top of my wishlist is OPI-AmazON...AmazOFF.
Jedna nova boja koja me je momentalno opčinila i skočila na vrh moje liste želja je OPI-AmazON...AmazOFF.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Matching Manicures-Skittles

Taste the Rainbow

The Matching Manicure topic for this Sunday is Skittles.
Tema za današnji usklađeni manikir su Skittles bombonice.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Leopard Manicure

Love Animals.

I really love nail art, but I rarely do it myself. I always have such an amazing idea and then it goes completely wrong on my nails. Does anyone else have this problem?
Mnogo volim crtanje po noktima/nail art, ali to retko kad sama radim. Uvek imam odličnu ideju, ali na noktima nešto pođe naopako. Da li se to još nekome dešava?

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Empties #5

Five months worth of junk

To tell you the truth, this post was due in 2013 but I didn't think I had enough to make a post at that time and now, in 2014 it got out of control. I started out with a small H&M bag, only to end up with this big one. The problem is that things started to fall out and I was about to get an even bigger bag, but then I decided it was now or never. "Empties #5".
Iskreno da vam kažem, ovaj post je trebao biti napisan i objavljen još 2013. godine, ali sam smatrala da nemam dovoljno proizvoda da bih napisala post, a onda je došla ta 2014. godina i sve se otrglo kontroli. Počela sam sa malom H&M kesom, da bih na kraju završila sa ovom. Problem je bio što su stvari počele da ispadaju iz kese i trebalo je uzeti još veću kesu, ali sam tada donela odluku "sad ili nikad". Peti post o potrošenim proizvodima.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Western Union Money Transfer China

Is It Worth It?

China. Sunday morning. I'm getting ready to go to the bank and send money via Western Union. I look at the list of banks which do Western Union money transfers and get out of my apartment,  full of energy, ready to finish one important and urgent task.
Kina. Nedelja ujutro. Spremam se da odem u banku da pošaljem pare Western Union-om. Pogledam spisak banaka na netu i izlazim iz stana, puna energije, spremna da obavim jedan bitan i hitan zadatak.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

P2-Happy Bride

And Happy She Will Be!

Such and amazing color! Very pretty, easy to apply and SO difficult to capture in a photo! I took quite quite a lot of photos and by the time I looked through all of them, I wasn't sure what the real color of the nail polish was...
Tako divna boja! Veoma lepa, laka za nanošenje i TAKO teška za "uhvatiti" na slici! Napravila sam baš puno fotki i dok sam ih sve pregledala, nisam više bila sigurna koja je boja ovog laka...

Saturday, 12 April 2014

New In February/March

February and March were a bit on the lazy side. I didn't do a lot of shopping (even when I was in Hong Kong), didn't even do my nails or makeup and I took a break in writing blog posts. I don't really know what happened. My days consisted of going to work and back, sleeping and trying to stay healthy. I wasn't expecting to have enough products for a new in post but I was wrong. :)
Februar i mart su malo prešli na lenju stranu. Nisam mnogo kupovala (čak ni u Hong Kongu), nisam ni nokte puno lakirala, niti sam se šminkala, pa sam zato pauzirala u kuckanju postova za blog. Ne znam tačno šta se desilo. Dani su mi se sastojali iz odlazaka na posao i dolazaka kući, spavanja i održavanja svog zdravlja. Nisam čak ni očekivala da ću imati dovoljno proizvoda da napišem ovaj post, ali sam se prevarila. :)

Thursday, 10 April 2014

One Year Later...

A Year And Some Change.

I've never thought of myself as brave. The things I've done were just things that I "had to do" in life and I never once stopped to think how many people my age would do this too.
Nikada sebe nisam doživljavala kao hrabru osobu. Stvari koje sam radila su stvari koje sam jednostavno "morala" da uradim u životu i ni jednom nisam stala da razmislim koliko bi ljudi mojih godina to isto uradilo.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Bath & Body Works Anti-Bacterial Hand Gels

Clean, clean, clean!

I'm not a clean-freak. I wash my hands when needed, but I don't obsess over it. There's just one tiny thing that's been bothering me... I live in a city that has 12 million inhabitants. That's 24 million hands. Everywhere. Yikes!
Nisam neka velika čistunica. Perem ruke po potrebi, ali ne mislim stalno o tome. Samo, jedna stvar me muči... Živim u gradu od 12 miliona stanovnika. To je 24 miliona ruku. Svuda. Iiiik!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

OPI-It's Frosty Outside

Starry Eyed.

I rarely buy anything from my wish list. There's really no point in writing one either because I tend to lose it. I can't remember a time when I bought something that I said I would. :) Yep, that's me.
Retko kad kupim nešto sa svoje liste želja. Zaista nema smisla da je pišem, jer je uglavnom zagubim. Ne mogu da se setim kada sam kupila nešto što sam rekla i zapisala da hoću. :) Da, to sam ja.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Color Club-Angel Kiss

I don't know why, but I haven't really payed attention to holographic nail polishes, so there's no surprise that this is my first. Oh and boy what a first it is! Today I want to present you Color Club-Angel Kiss from the Halo Hues collection of 2012.
Ne znam zašto, ali nikada nisam posebno obraćala pažnju na holo lakove, pa i nije iznenađujuće što mi je ovo prvi takav lakić. I to kakav prvenac! Danas želim da vam predstavim Color Club-Angel Kiss lak iz Halo Hues kolekcije 2012. godine.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

EOS Hand Lotion

If you thought EOS (Evolution Of Smooth) lip balms were cute, you should get a hold of one of these! I was checking out SaSa drugstores in Hong Kong when I noticed these cute hand lotions. They instantly reminded me of the old toy-pet Tamagotchi. Remember those? Oh, my childhood was so fun... :)
Ako ste mislili da su EOS (Evolution Of Smooth) balzami za usne slatki, morate da nabavite ovo! Razgledala sam SaSa parfimerije u Hong Kongu kada sam primetila ove preslatke losione za ruke. Istog momenta su me podsetili na stare tamagoči ljubimce-igračke. Sećate li se njih? Uh što sam imala zabavno detinjstvo... :)

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

OPI-Up Front & Personal

This is one of the rare nail polish bottles that I bought in China, rather than Hong Kong, where everything is cheaper and more important-available.
Ovo je jedan od retkih lakova koje sam kupila baš u Kini, s obzirom da je sve jeftinije u Hong Kongu, a i dostupnije.

Monday, 10 February 2014

China Glaze-Awakening


One of my most recent purchases is this lovely China Glaze nail polish called Awakening. Originally it was a part of the 2005 Urban Chic collection and I am sooo happy to have found it, because it just looks magical to me.
Jedan od najskorije kupljenih lakova je ovaj predivan China Glaze lak, pod nazivom Awakening. Originalno je iz Urban Chic kolekcije iz 2005-te godine i mnogo sam srećna što sam ga našla, jer mi deluje baš magično.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Golden Rose City Style Mascara

Do It With Style-City Style!

Everyone finds that perfect product at some point in their life. If you're like me, once you find it, you never want to change it. Once I found a mascara that suits me in every possible way I refused to try, buy or use any other mascara, no matter how good, cheap, long-lasting or curling it is. No way!
I've been using Oriflame Wonder Lash mascara for a while and then POOF-I come home with this one. That's Kristabell for you! :) Lovely girls that work there, laughing, talking and habits change.
Svako kad-tad pronađe onaj savršen proizvod u životu. Ako ste kao ja, jednom kada ga nađete, nećete više želeti da ga menjate. Jednom kada sam pronašla savršenu maskaru koja mi odgovara, odbila sam da probam, kupim ili koristim bilo koju drugu, bila ona bolja, jeftinija, dugotrajnija ili bolje uvijala trepavice. Nema šanse!
Već duže vreme sam koristila Oriflame-ovu Wonder Lash maskaru i onda PUF-dođem kući sa ovom. Eto vam Kristabell parfimerija! :) Divne radnice, smejanje, priča i navike se menjaju.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Matching Manicures-Waterfall

Lilly Waterfalls

Hello again! Today's post is one that I haven't done in quite a while. The last time I participated in the Matching Manicures Sunday post was such a long time ago and you can check those posts here and here. There's always an excuse for not participating and I will spare you of those today... They are just excuses.
Ćao! Evo mene ponovo. Današnji post je jedan koji nisam pisala duže vreme. Poslednji put kada sam učestvovala u Matching Manicures nedelji (usklađeni manikiri blogerki) je bio baš davno i te postove možete pogledati ovde i ovde. Uvek postoji neki izgovor za neučestvovanje, a ja ću vas poštedeti toga danas... To su samo izgovori.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Don Juan Nail Stars LK180

Christmas Revisited

Hello! This is a color I wore for Christmas but I didn't like the pictures for some reason and I decided not to publish this post. Today I gave them a second look and thought "They're not so bad." Here it is-Don Juan Nail Stars nail polish (LK180).
Ćao! Ovo je lak koji sam nosila za Božić ali mi se iz nekog razloga nisu svidele fotke, pa sam odlučila da ne objavim post. Danas sam rešila da ih pregledam ponovo i pomislila "Pa i nisu tako loše". Predstavljam vam Don Juan Nail Stars lak za nokte (LK180).

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

p2 Nail Polish-010 Little Princess

Today I want to show you one of my favorite colors. I've never been a big fan of light colors but this lovely p2 color just won my heart!
Danas želim da vam predstavim jednu od mojih omiljenih boja. Nikada nisam bila posebno luda za svetlim bojama, ali mi je predivna boja ovog p2 laka osvojila srce!

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

New In December/January

'Tis The Season To Be Jolly!

Sales everywhere! I tried to be reasonable but every red price tag caught my attention, so I had to step on the brake a few times. Here is yet another new in post, December and January combined.
Svuda sniženja! Pokušala sam da budem smirena i da kupujem pametno, ali je svaka crvena nalepnica sa cenom privlačila pažnju, pa sam morala da prikočim nekoliko puta. Evo još jedan post o novitetima, decembar i januar spojeni.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Sephora Love Birds Palette

Colors, colors, colors...

Photo borrowed from here

As promised, today I will write about Sephora's Love Birds Palete. I wasn't planing on buying eye shadows that time, but I saw this cool package with something bright green  (yellow?) and even though I'm not crazy about neon colors, the purse is the reason I grabbed it. :)
Kao što sam obećala, danas pišem o Seforinoj Love Birds paleti. U trenutku kupovine nisam imala u planu da uzimam senke za oči, ali sam videla ovo simpatično pakovanje sa nečim drečavo zelenim (žutim?) i iako nisam luda za neon bojama, torbica je razlog zašto sam uzela ovu paletu. :)

Thursday, 9 January 2014

New Year's Look

Make it count!

Hello everyone! This will be a short post, because I just want to share my New Year's look.  The New Year's celebration in China is a whole new experience, so I decided to add a little more color to the make up.
Pozdrav svima! Ovo će biti kraći post, jer želim da podelim sa vama novogodišnju šminku. Doček Nove godine u Kini je posebno iskustvo i doživljaj, pa sam rešila da i look bude s malo više boja.