Thursday 24 April 2014

Empties #5

Five months worth of junk

To tell you the truth, this post was due in 2013 but I didn't think I had enough to make a post at that time and now, in 2014 it got out of control. I started out with a small H&M bag, only to end up with this big one. The problem is that things started to fall out and I was about to get an even bigger bag, but then I decided it was now or never. "Empties #5".
Iskreno da vam kažem, ovaj post je trebao biti napisan i objavljen još 2013. godine, ali sam smatrala da nemam dovoljno proizvoda da bih napisala post, a onda je došla ta 2014. godina i sve se otrglo kontroli. Počela sam sa malom H&M kesom, da bih na kraju završila sa ovom. Problem je bio što su stvari počele da ispadaju iz kese i trebalo je uzeti još veću kesu, ali sam tada donela odluku "sad ili nikad". Peti post o potrošenim proizvodima.

I started out with only a few products and it seemed like I was never going to write this post. I took these photos in Serbia so they have a different background than the rest.
Počela sam sa svega nekoliko proizvoda i činilo se kao da nikada neću napisati ovaj post. Ove prve slike sam napravila još u Srbiji, pa zato imaju drugačiju pozadinu od ostalih.

Herbal Essences Shampoo does what it's supposed to do. I wasn't very impressed, so I won't be buying it again.
Elementa Natural Anti-Dandruff Shampoo was a total surprise! A very good product, although not so cheap if I remember correctly. It's a very liquid formula but it foams like any other shampoo, maybe even better. My scalp felt less itchy and I didn't have any dandruff for a while, even after I stopped using it.
Herbal Essences šampon radi ono što treba da radi, ali me nije oduševio, pa ga neću ponovo kupiti.
Elementa prirodni biljni šampon protiv peruti je bio potpuno iznenađenje! Odličan proizvod, doduše ne tako jeftin, ako me pamćenje dobro služi. Prilično je tečan, ali pravi penu kao svaki drugi šampon, možda čak i bolje. Glava me je manje svrbela i duže vreme nisam imala perut, čak i pošto sam prestala da ga koristim.

Becutan Body Milk is one of those products from which I had big expectations, but all that I remember is that it took ages to absorb and I was super happy to finish it.
Dove Body Wash is one of those products that I miss for a long time, buy and then think "Why did I need this?" It's good, but I've tried better shower gels.
Becutan hidratantno mleko za negu dečije kože je jedan od onih proizvoda od kojih sam imala veliak očekivanja, ali jedino čega se sećam da mu je trebalo baš dugo da se upije i bila sam jako srećna što sam ga potrošila.
Dove gel za tuširanje je jedan od onih proizvoda koji mi nedostaju neko vreme, a kada ga kupim onda se zapitam "Zašto mi je ovo trebalo?" Dobar je gel, ali sam probala bolje.

Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Foaming Face Wash from Boots is one of my favorite face products. It removes excess sebum, doesn't irritate my skin and doesn't overdry it. This was my second bottle and I will get one again as soon as I find it.
Gillette Satin Care Shave Gel does the job but I couldn't stand the smell. It softens the skin and shaving is super easy with it. A small amount is enough to shave a big area.
Dikla Oil Nail Polish Remover is one of the best I've used but it still dried out my cuticles. I have yet to foind one that doesn't.
Tea Tree & Witch Hazel pena za čišćenje lica iz Boots-a je jedan od mojih omiljenih proizvoda za lice. Otklanja suvišnu masnoću s lica, ne iritira kožu i ne isušuje je. Ovo mi je bila druga flašica i kupiću je ponovo prvom prilikom.
Gillette Satin Care gel za brijanje radi posao, ali ja nisam mogla da smislim miris. Omekšava kožu i brijanje je baš lako uz ovaj gel. Mala količina je dovoljna za brijanje veće površine.
Dikla uljani skidač laka sa noktiju je jedan od boljih skidača laka, ali mi je isušivao zanoktice. Još uvek treba dapronađem jedan koji neće.

The bag was filled up to the top and was threatening to fall apart. This bag contains products used in China, but you can find some from Serbia too.
Kesa je bila napunjena do vrha i pretilo je da se raspadne. U kesi su uglavnom proizvodi koje sam koristila u Kini, ali ima i par iz Srbije.

Balea Oil Repair Shampoo didn't leave a special impression on me. I read some good reviews about this shampoo, but for my dry and curly hair it didn't do any wonders.
Balea Oil Repair Conditioner was a little bit better. My hair was much softer after using this conditioner and it left a nice smell that lasted for a couple of hours.
Will I buy these two again? I don't think so.
Balea Oil repair šampon za kosu na mene nije ostavio neki poseban utisak. Čitala sam nekoliko dobrih recenzija o ovom šamponu, ali mojoj suvoj i kovrdžavoj kosi nije činio čuda.
Balea Oil Repair balzam za kosu je bio malo bolji. Kosa mi je bila mekša nakon upotrebe i mirisala bi na ovaj palzam par sati nakon upotrebe.
Da li ću ova dva proizvda kupiti ponovo? Ne verujem.

Batiste Original Dry Shampoo-I wrote about dry shampoos already and I told you that these are my favorite and that they are the best if you ask me. I stand behind those words. You can read about Batiste dry shampoos here.
Balea Dry Shampoo is the worst dry shampoo I've ever tried. At first it did the job well, but after a few hours an itching started and I got so much dandruff that it literally took me 3 months to stabilize the situation. I will not buy it again.
Batiste Original šampon za suvo pranje kose-Pisala sam o ovim šamponima i rekla sam vam da su mi omiljeni i najbolji. Stojim iza tih reči. O Batiste šamponima za suvo pranje možete pročitati ovde.
Balea šampon za suvo pranje kose je najgori proizvod ovog tipa koji sam probala. Isprva je obavljao posao prilično dobro, ali bi mi se javio svrab nakon par sati i pojavilo mi se toliko puno peruti da mi je trebalo bukvalno tri meseca da stabilizujem situaciju. Neću ga ponovo kupovati. 

Tony&Guy Twist-It Curl Balm is one of the best curl creams I've tried. It lasted two years and I never had any problems when styling my hair. It smells nice and doesn't leave the hair sticky.
Pantene Conditioner is a product bought in China, so I cannot tell you any more details about it except that it smells divine and softens my hair
Tony&Guy Twist-It balzam za kovrdže je jedna od najboljih krema za kovrdže koju sam probala. Trajala mi je dve godine i nisam imala problema tokom nameštanje kose. Miriše lepo i kosa se ne lepi od njega.
Pantene balzam za kosu je proizvod koji sam kupila u Kini, pa vam ne mogu reci više detalja (pošto ne razumem šta piše) osim da miriše fantastično i omekšava kosu.

Olive Shiny Bounce Hair Conditioner is another Chinese product, only this one was a complete failure. It's a very liquid conditioner and does absolutely nothing for the hair. Last time I used half of the bottle during one hair wash and conditioning and my hair still felt dry and was very tangled. If I didn't use any conditioner and this one, the result would be the same.
Olive Shiny Bounce balzam za kosu je još jedan kineski proizvod, ali je ovaj potpuni promašaj. Jako je tečan i ne radu bukvalno ništa na kosi. Poslednji put sam istresla bukvalno pola bočice tokom pranja kose i kosa mi je i dalje bila suva i jako zapetljana. Bez ikakvog balzama i s ovim balzamom-rezultat je isti.

I've used up so many of these during the past 5 months and I threw away at least 3 times what's on this photo, but I thought this photo looked nice, so here it is.
Toliko sam dezodoransa potrošila tokom poslednjih pet meseci da sam bacila bare tri puta više od ovoga na slici. Ipak, slika mi je bila simpatična, pa je zato tu.

LUSH Curly Wurly Shampoo tester is amazing! I've never used a shampoo that's creamy instead of a regular liquid formula. At first I was very skeptical because you're supposed to take a little bit of cream with coconut particles and massage them only in your roots. I didn't expect it to foam and wash my hair thoroughly, but it did and it did it even better than my normal shampoo. I will definitely buy the regular size of this product. The small container lasted me 4 washes, just enough to test the product.
Amika Leave In Cream was a very nice cream, but I only brought this one bag with me from Serbia and I couldn't find it in China. It made my hair smell amazing and it was softer, but it did nothing for the curls. I saw some Amika products in Hong Kong, but by that time I had already tried the R&B Hair Moisturiser from LUSH and it's better.
Olive Anti-Dandruff & Conditioner Shampoo is another Chinese product, but unlike the conditioner, this product was good. I was using the Balea Dry Shampoo with this shampoo and it did a very good job at reducing the dandruff.
Intima Roberts Intimate Wash-I really like these products. All of them suit me and I will continue to buy them.
LUSH Curly Wurly šampon za kosu (tester) je fantastičan! Nikada nisam koristila šampon koji je kremast umesto normalno tečan. U početku sam bila skeptična jer treba naneti vrlo malo ove kreme sa kokosom na koren kose i masirati. Nisam očekivala da če da se stvori pena, niti da će mi redovno oprati kosu, međutim, to se desilo i kosa mi je bila lepša nego posle pranja sa običnim šamponom. Definitivno ću kupiti ovaj šampon u normalnoj veličini. Ovo malo tester pakovanje mi je bilo dovoljno za četiri pranja. Taman dovoljno da se proizvod isproba.
Amika krema koja se ne ispira je bila baš fin proizvod, ali sam sa sobom ponela samo jednu kesicu iz Srbije i nisam mogla da je pronađem u Kini. Kosa mi je mirisala divno i bila je mekša, ali nije radila ništa specijalno po pitanju kovdža. Videla sam neke Amika proizvode u Hong Kongu, no do tada sam već probala R&B od LUSH-a i mnogo je bolji.
Olive  šampon i omekšivač za kosu protiv peruti je još jedan kineski proizvod koji je, za razliku od gorepomenutog balzama, bio dobar. U to vreme sam koristila Balea šampon za suvo pranje kose, pa je ova šampon malo ublažio problem peruti.
Intima Roberts gel za intimnu higijenu-Mnogo volim ove proizvode. Do sada su mi svi odgovarali i nastaviću da ih kupujem (kada ih nađem).

Ziaja Micellar Water is a very good product, but I can't buy it here, so I bought a different one. If you want to read more about this product, click here.
Clinique 7 Day Scrub Cream left an amazing first impression on me, but unfortunately the second one wasn't so good. It was okay but it didn't clean my skin thoroughly or nearly as good as the first one. I don't know whether they changed the formula or if the country where I bought it makes a difference, but I'm disappointed and I don't think I will buy this product again.
Superdrug's Tea Tree Facial Scrub was one of those products that I couldn't wait to finish and throw away! I expected a good product but the only good thing was the smell. It literally didn't make a difference and my skin was the same before and after using it.
Ziaja micelarna vodica je veoma dobar proizvod, ali mi je ovde nedostupan, pa sam kupila drugu micelarnu. Ako želite da pročitate više o ovom proizvodu, kliknite ovde.
Clinique sedmodnevni piling-krema je ostavio fantastičan prvi utisak na mene, no nažalost, drugi utisak nije bio tako dobar. Bio je okej, ali nije čistio moju kožu ni priblizno kao prvi. Ne znam da li su mu menjali formulu ili je to do države u kojoj je kupljen, no ja sam razočarana i ne verujem da ću ga ponovo kupovati.
Tea Tree piling za lice iz Superdrug-a je bio jedan od onih proizvoda koje sam jedva čekala da potrošim! Očekivala sam jedan dobar proizvod ali jedino dobro je bio miris. Bukvalno mi je koža bila ista pre i posle ovog pilinga.

Cherry Whitening & Smoothing Body Wash smells AH-mazing! Cherries everywhere! The bottle has 750ml of red shower gel and it lasted me a few months. As for the "whitening" part-I haven't noticed a thing, but Chinese girls love to buy whatever has the word "whitening" written on it.
Balea Shower Gel with Oil Pearls leaves your skin feeling soft and smelling amazing! I wish I could buy it again...
The Body Shop Mango Sugar Body Scrub is a good product, it exfoliates the skin but it leaves an oily film which I didn't really like. It smells like mangoes and it looks edible, so don't use it if you're hungry! ;)
Gel za tuširanje koji izbeljuje i izglađuje kožu sa mirisom višnje ima FANtastičan miris! Svuda višnjice! Pakovanje sadrži 750ml crvenkastog glea za tuširanje i meni je trajalo nekoliko meseci. Što se tiče "izbeljujućeg" dela, nisam primetila ništa novo, ali kineskinje baš vole sve na čemu piše ta reč.
Balea gel za tuširanje sa uljanim perlicama ostavlja kožu mekanom i mirisnom! Baš bih volela da mogu ponovo da kupim ovaj gel...
The Body Shop mango šećerni piling je dobar proizvod, lepo čisti kožu, ali ostavlja uljani film koji se meni ne dopada. Ima miris manga i čak i izgleda jestivo, tako da nemojte da ga koristite ako ste gladni! ;)

The Body Shop Mango Body Butter-The only sad thing about this body butter is the fact that I didn't buy the biggest one immediately. It spreads easily, absorbs quickly and leaves the skin very soft and smelling like mangoes.
The Body Shop Ginger Sparkle Body Butter-Recently I've become a big fan of ginger. I love the taste, the smell and the fact that it's super good for a sore throat, which I had almost every other day during this past winter. The smell of this body butter is even stronger than real ginger and for some of you it may be a bit too much, but I really enjoy these type of products during winter time.
The Body Shop mango puter za telo-Jedina loša stvar je što nisam odmah kupila najveće pakovanje ovog putera. Maže se lako, brzo upija i koža posle njega je mekana i miriše prelepo-na mango.
The Body Shop Ginger Sparkle puter za telo (đumbir)-U poslednje vreme sam postala veliki obozavatelj đumbira. Sviđa mi se ukus i činjenica da je odličan kada vas boli grlo, što se meni dešavalo skoro svaki drugi dan protekle zime. Miris ovog putera je još intenzivniji od pravog đumbira i nekima će možda biti prejak, ali ja zimi baš volim proizvode koji imaju ovakav miris.

Balea Caribbean Dreams Shaving Gel was an okay product but it didn't leave a wow impression and after using it a few times, the smell started to bother me. I couldn't wait to finish it and throw it away.
Titania Callus Reduction Cream-I was searching for something that is as good as Oriflame's Feet Up Advanced Cracked Heel Foot Cream, so I bought this foot cream. It was good and my feet were softer but not as nearly as they are when I use the Oriflame one. I'll just stick to the first one and somehow try to import it to China.
Balea Caribbean Dreams gel za brijanje je bio dobar proizvod ali nije ostavio neki "vau" utisak na mene i nakon par korišćenja, počeo je da mi smeta miris. Jedva sam dočekala da ga bacim.
Titania krema za stopala koja redukuje zadebljanja-Bila sam u potrazi za nekom kremom koja će parirati Oriflame-ovoj Feet Up Advanced kremi za ispucale pete, pa sam kupila ovu. Bila je dobra, stopala su mi bila mekša, ali ni približno mekana kao kad koristim Oriflame-ovu kremu. Mislim da ću se ipak držati prve i nekako pokušati da je "uvezem" u Kinu.

Hand creams are the products that I've had the most fun with. My hands were dry during winter so I had a chance to try out various brands.
L'Occitane  Rose Velvet Hand Cream 30ml-Quite pricey for such a small tube, but I understand tat we buy the name in 90% of cases. Even though I am not a big fan of rose scented products, this hand cream was something I really enjoyed using in December and January. My hands were hydrated, but my cuticles were still quite dry, no matter how many times I applied this cream.
Crabtree & Evelyn La Source Hand Cream 25g-Also a small tube for a higher price, but not as high as L'Occitane. To be honest, this cream was much better than the previous one and even my cuticles were enjoying it! This one smells like a "Granny cream", as my dear friend Wendy put it, but I really liked it. I saw a box of twenty or more creams in a drugstore, so that looks very interesting... Uh-oh! Bankruptcy alert! :)
Ziaja Cocoa Butter Hand Cream 80ml-You can read about it here.
Vaseline Healthy Hands + Stronger Nails Hand Cream 75ml-Supposedly has keratin and gives multi layer moisture, but I didn't notice any improvement on my skin or nails, so I will not be buying it again.
Kreme za ruie su proizvodi sa kojima sam se najviše zabavljala. Ruke su mi bile baš suve tokom zime pa sam imala priliku da isprobavam kreme od raznih proizvođača.
L'Occitane  Rose Velvet krema za ruke 30ml-Prilično skup proizvod za tako malu tubu, ali razumem da u 90% slučajeva plaćamo ime. Iako nisam veliki fan proizvoda sa mirisom ruža, u ovoj kremi sam baš uživala u decembru i januaru. Ruke su mi bile hidrirane, ali su mi zanoktice i dalje bile isušene i ispucale, bez obzira na to koliko sam puta mazala ovu kremu.
Crabtree & Evelyn La Source krema za ruke 25g-Takođe jedno malo pakovanje, ali po malo nižoj ceni u odnosu na L'Occitane. Da budem iskrena, ova krema se pokazala mnogo bolje od prethodne i u ovoj su čak i moje zanoktice uživale! Miris ove kreme asocira na kremu za bake, kako je to moja drugarica Vendi opisala, ali se meni baš dopala. Videla sam veliku kutiju sa dvadeset i više ovakvih krema u jednoj drogeriji i baš mi je izgledala interesantno. O-o! Bankrot u najavi! :)
Ziaja kreme za ruke sa kakao puterom 80ml-O njoj možete više da pročitate ovde.
Vaseline Healthy Hands + Stronger Nails krema za ruke 75ml-Navodno krema sadrži keratin i hidrira kožu u više slojeva, no ja nisam primetila nikakvu promenu na koži i noktima, tako da je neću ponovo kupovati.

Hand Sanitizers! The reason why my hands and cuticles were so dry this winter.
Apart from regular and liquid soap, I've used many bottles of hand gels and sanitizers, because I couldn't wash my hands in every place I went.
Opal Plus is the hand gel that caused me cuticle problems. It has 70% of alcohol and it smell smells like it, too. I used a few bottles before I realized what it was doing to me and then I stopped, but it was too late. My cuticles were in a really bad shape and no hand cream seemed to help me. I did use hand cream together with this hand gel, but it didn't make a difference. If you value your skin, nails and cuticles, don't buy it.
Pink Chiffon Anti-Bacterial Hand Gel from Bath & Body Works is the only one I've finished off so far, but compared to the first one, it's like comparing fire and water. You can read about these hand gels here.
Medipure Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer-lasted me literally a week, so I don't even remember if it was good or not. It says that it's enough for 80 sprays, but... yeah... no.
Carex Lavander&Rosewood Gel-used to be my favorite until I got the ones from Bath & Body Works. It smells like lavender, but also a little bit like alcohol. I liked it.
Safeguard Cherry Foaming Soap-I don't know what is it with me and cherries, but I loved this product!
 Gelovi za pranje ruku! Razlog zbog kog su mi ruke i zanoktice bili suve i ispucale ove zime.
Osim redovnog i tečnog sapuna, potrošila sam dosta bočica gelova za pranje i dezinfekciju ruku, pošto nisam svugde mogla redovno da operem ruke.
Opal Plus je uzrok mojih problema sa isušenim i ispucalim zanokticama. Sadrži 70% alkohola i tako i miriše. Potrošila sam nekoliko bočica, a tek onda sam primetila kakav haos mi je napravio ovaj gel, pa sam prestala da ga koristim. Zanoktice su mi bile u užasnom stanju i nijedna krema za ruke nije pomagala. Koristila sam kremu i dok sam koristila gel, ali se ništa nije promenilo. Ako vam je stalo do kože, noktiju i zanoktica, ne kupujte ovo. (naravno, važi za Kinu)
Bath & Body Works Pink Chiffon antibakterijski gel-je jedini koji sam do sada potrošila od gomilice koju sam dobila, a u poređenju sa privm je kao nebo i zemlja. O ovim gelovima više možete da pročitate ovde.
Carex gel, lavanda i palisandrovo drvo je bio moj omiljeni gel dok nisam nabavila gelove iz Bath&Body Works-a. Miriše na lavandu i pomalo na alkohol. Meni se dopada.
Safeguard penasti sapun za ruke sa mirisom višnje-Ne znam šta je samnom i višnjama, no ovo je jedan proizvod koji sam obožavala!

Afrodita Chamomile Sensitive Oil Nail Polish Remover-One of the best oil nail polish removers I've tried. Better than Dikla.
Essence Sun Club Oil Control Paper should be in every girls purse! It doesn't remove oil forever, but the effect does last a couple of hours which is quite good. I've had mine for two years, so that's why it looks like it's been through hell. If you knew what I keep in my bag, you'd understand. :)
Afrodita sensitive uljani odstranjivač laka za nokte s kamilicom je jedan od boljih odrstranjivača koji sam probala. Bolji od Dikle.
Essence Sun Club papirići za kontrolu sjaja bi trebali da se nalaze u torbi svake devojke! Sjaj s kože ne uklanjaju zauvek, ali efekat traje par sati, što je sasvim dovoljno. Ovo pakovanje sam imala dve godine, pa zato igleda kao da je prošlo kroz sito i rešeto. Kada biste znali šta sve držim u torbi, razumeli bi. :)

MUA Eye Shadow, Shade 17, Matt is the first eyeshadow I've used in my life! Usually I touch the pan and then throw it or give it away because I'm to lazy to use it all the way. I finished this one because it's a unique nude color good for any makeup look. I'm already using my second one and I plan to buy more. This one lasted me about a year and a half and it was only one pound!
NEXT Lipstick in Antique Rose just might be the oldest lipstick I've had. I got it from my aunt many years ago, I think I was still in high school. You can tell that buy the looks of it. It's been through high school, travels, summers and winters, literally everything.
NYX HD Photogenic Concealer, CW03 Light-A very good product for a small price! The coverage isn't the best but it was very good for contouring and covering minor skin irregularities. I will buy it again.
MUA Liquid Eyeliner, Brown-Such an amazing product! Does not smudge, once it dries you cannot move it unless you scratch it off or remove it with makeup remover. This was a lovely brown color, which I personally loved for daytime. For the price of only one pound, this is a product that lasted more than a year and is definitely my No. 1 makeup product!
MUA mat senka za oči, nijansa 17 je mislim prva senka koju sam potrošila u životu! Uglavnom ih bacim ili prosledim dalje kada dotaknem dno, pošto sam lenja da trošim do kraja. Ovu sam potrošila samo zato što je specifične boje, boje kože i dobra je za svaki look. Trenutno koristim drugi komad iplaniram da kupim još. Ova senka mi je trajala oko godinu i poo dana, a koštala je samo jednu funtu!
NEXT ruž za usne, Antique Rose moguće da je najstariji ruž koji posedujem. Dobila sam ga od tetke pre dosta godina, mislim daje bilo u srednjoj školi. Možete da primetite po njegovom izgledu, ali ovaj ruž je prošap kroz srednju školu, putovanja, leta i zime, bukvalno sve.
NYX HD Photogenic korektor, CW03 Light-Odličan proizvod za male pare! Moć prekrivanja nije najjača, ali je mnogo dobar za konturisanje i prekrivanje manjih nepravilnosti na licu. Kupiću ga ponovo.
MUA tečni ajlajner, braon-Fantastičan proizvod! Ne razmazuje se, jednom kada se osuši ne skida se, osim ako ga ne grebete noktima ili skinete skidačem. Ovo je bila jedna divna braon nijansa koju ja lično volim da nosim tokom dana. Po ceni od jedne funte, ovo je proizvod koji je trajao više od godinu dana i definitivno je na prvom mestu mojih omiljenih proizvoda za oči!

That's it folks! Till next time!

To je sve narode! Do sledećeg puta!


  1. Koliko samo proizvoda ima :D

    1. Haha, pa kazem ja da se otrglo kontroli :)

  2. Pa mogu ti reći da si ti dosta toga potrošila :D Balea šampon, regenerator i šampon za suho pranje su meni bili totalni promašaj, nikako mi nisu odgovarali a Lush šampon za kovrdžavu kosu sam toliko dugo htjela da isprobam i nikad nisam mogla doći do njega i sad kad mogu nemam ni jedne jedne kovrdže, ispeglala sam bogaoca na glavi :D

    1. Pa jesam, ali je i dug period. U stvari, mozda i nije, ne znam koliko dugo druge devojke skupljaju :)
      Jao zeno, baci tu peglu, meneoj to sebi da radis. Ja vec 7 godina oporavljam kosu od jedne godine druzenja sa peglom... :( Sampon je bas fin. 2-3 zrna graska sampon-kreme umasiras u koren. Divno mirise i plus sto lepo opere.

  3. Jaaaoooo Tamaraaa, kod tebe kontejner citav :D i iz moje kese pocele ispadati stvari, ali kod mene mala kesica. Iskreno, ne znam ni sta sam vise bacila, morat cu pisati Empties :D

    1. Hahaha! Ja sam resila da cu od sad da pravim veliku selekciju sta cu da uvrstim kad pisem ovakve postove a sta ne. Bas ne nakupilo djubreta :D

  4. Joj Bože krš proizvoda!! :D Danas sam prvi put videla Dikla skidač u radnji i još razmišljala dal da uzmem, ali sada nikako. :) Inače i Balea suvi šampon sam probala - UŽAS!

    1. Balea suvi sampon nikako nikome ne bih preporucila, a sto se Dikle tice, mozda ti je najbolje da probas, jer mozda tebi i ne bude toliko isusivao zanoktice. Moze biti i da je mene... :)

  5. WOW,koliko empties-a:))! Potpuno se slazem sa tobom u vezi sa Balea Oil Repair ekipom,kao i Baleinim gelom za brijanje. Citam same pohvale o njima po blogovima i ne razumem to odusevljenje :() -nisam zadovoljna uopste.Puno pozdrava Tamara! K.

    1. Ma da, otrglo se kontroli... :) A eto, nekima se izgleda dopada. Ni ja ne razumem, ali postujem. Puno pozdrava i tebi! :)

  6. Ti imas problem sa suvom peruti koliko sam shvatila? Prvi put nailazim na recenziju Elementa sampona na nekom blogu :) Ja sam se zagrejala za losion, ali za masnu perut/kosu, mada mozda efekat ne bi bio isti.. pozdrav :)
    Kina <3
